Join us for a tour of Panorama
Districts across the country partner with Panorama Education to see a complete picture of students’ social-emotional learning and academic progress.
Take part in a live demo to learn how educators are using real-time data to track students' course grades and assessment results and to understand how academics relate to attendance, behavior, and social-emotional learning.
In the demo, we'll dive into how educators are using Panorama to:
- Keep students on track for graduation, college, career, and life with early warning indicators
- Support MTSS and track interventions to coordinate tiered support
- Measure and reinforce mindsets and attitudes that are critical to academic success, like growth mindset and self-efficacy, using universal SEL screeners
Featured Presenters:
Ben Mark, Outreach Director, Panorama Education
Stephen Greene, Outreach Director, Panorama Education
Liz Breese, PhD, Marketing Director, Panorama Education
Gabi Zerbib, Outreach Director, Panorama Education