Build Your Resilience and SEL as a District Leader


As a district leader, you know that the way you “show up” impacts your staff, your students, and the parents that you interact with every day.

Self-care and mindfulness can support your own social, emotional, and mental well-being. It can also contribute to a positive school climate that is inclusive, trauma-sensitive, and equitable.

To help you practice and model mindfulness, we curated this resource pack with 3 low-lift activities and tools from expert organizations and the Panorama team. Use these resources for your own self-care, and feel free to share them with principals, teachers, counselors, and other staff in your district to support teacher wellness and provide ideas for mindfulness activities with students. 

What's Inside This Resource Pack?

1. Calm Breathing Techniques for Students (from Open Circle)
Spotify Playlist for Mindful Practice
3. Webinar Recording: Mindfulness Strategies for Adult and Student Wellness

After downloading, you will receive a description of each resource and links to access them. Download the bundle now!