
Featuring Dr. Robert Balfanz, Metro Nashville Public Schools, and Waltham Public Schools

62 minutes - March 27, 2018

After decades of evidence that focusing on the “ABCs”—attendance, behavior, and coursework—can help schools increase graduation rates, districts are expanding their use of early warning systems (EWS) to support every student.

In this webinar, hear from experts and practitioners how schools are using early warning indicators to address core challenges like reducing chronic absenteeism and assigning tiered interventions, as well as promoting students’ social-emotional learning (SEL) and college/career readiness.

Dr. Robert Balfanz, a pioneer for using early warning indicators, shares his evidence-based models for identifying and monitoring at-risk students through early warning systems.

Superintendent Dr. Drew Echelson and administrators from Waltham Public Schools (Mass.), along with an administrator from Metro Nashville Public Schools (Tenn.), discuss how their districts are using data indicators to prepare their students for success in the 21st century.


Featured Speakers:


bob-balfanz.pngRobert Balfanz, Professor, Center for the Social Organization of Schools, Johns Hopkins University; Director, Everyone Graduates Center



Drew Echelson
, Superintendent, Waltham Public Schools (MA)


liz-homan.pngElizabeth HomanAdministrator of Educational Technology Integration, Waltham Public Schools (MA)


Mike Sabin
, Principal, McDevitt Middle School, Waltham Public Schools (MA)


tina-stenson.pngChristine Stenson, Director of Research and Evaluation, Metro Nashville Public Schools (TN)


laura-hansen.pngLaura Hansen, Director of Information Management and Decision Support, Metro Nashville Public Schools (TN)


Jack McDermott, 
Marketing Director, Panorama Education