Absenteeism is more than just not being present in school. That’s just the tip of the iceberg. Long tail effects include the major declines in math and reading scores we’ve been hearing about post-covid. In fact the White House released figures showing the link between absenteeism and test scores is “large enough to account for 16-27 percent of the overall test score declines in math, and 36-45 percent of the declines in reading.”
So how do schools turn the tide and ensure students are in school, consistently, where they can learn? Join us to hear how Boston Public Schools and the Utah Board of Education are leveraging MTSS to understand and address attendance barriers. Plus, learn attendance-specific strategies from our Playbook partner, Attendance Works.
You’ll learn how to decrease absenteeism with these strategies:
- Make school a place where students want to be by acting on student voice data
- Use up-to-date data to identify chronic absenteeism and intervene early
- Establish supports, including family connections, to stave future absenteeism
- Implement learning recovery measures to reverse the effects of absenteeism
Aspen Florence, Educational Consultant, Utah State Board of Education
Brian Marques, Sr. Director of Opportunity Youth, Boston Public Schools
Cecelia Leong, VP of Programs, Attendance Works
Moderated by Nicole DellaRocca, Account Manager, Panorama Education