Many hands make light work — especially when it comes to MTSS. And when stakeholders feel invested and are engaged, you’ll begin to build the momentum you need to sustain student achievement. But gaining buy-in can be a challenge. Watch this recording to explore how two districts successfully architected team structures and processes to achieve MTSS adoption across their schools. Watch to learn how they:
- Gather stakeholder feedback to create collective goals
- Embed district leaders within team processes to maintain each school’s unique approach
- Advocate for critical MTSS roles
- Leverage and share data to keep teams fully informed
- Provide training on tools to help track and share their MTSS progress
Amy Gannon, Executive Director of MTSS, Rockford Public Schools, IL
Jessica Rose Mathy, MTSS Coordinator, Calexico School District, CA
Moderated by Emily King, Account Manager, Panorama Education