Hosted by Scholastic FACE and Panorama Education:
As a school or district leader, you plan and host family events throughout the year. Are your events supporting student learning by building strong family-school partnerships?
During this webinar, we share new approaches for putting on events for families that substantially support student achievement. Focusing on doing more with the events your schools are already planning, we offer tips and strategies that have helped districts across the country host events that equip families and districts to be partners in students’ learning.
Watch the webinar to learn new strategies for building strong family-school relationships to set teachers and students up for success all year long.
Our Presenters:
Ron Mirr leads Scholastic’s efforts around Learning Supports and Family and Community Engagement. Previous to his joining Scholastic, Ron worked as a mental health clinician, a school administrator, a staff developer, and an executive consultant. Ron holds a Master’s Degree in Social Work and has 30 years of experience working with K-12 schools, health and social service agencies.
Marysa Sheren is a Professional Services Manager at Panorama Education. Prior to joining Panorama, Marysa taught intensive reading to middle school students and served as an Instructional Coach with Miami-Dade County Public Schools. She is a graduate of the Harvard Graduate School of Education, where she focused her studies on technology and innovation as a means to improve educational outcomes for kids.