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Demo on Demand

Using Behavior Incident Reports to Teach Behavior

Watch a demonstration of Panorama for Positive Behavior

Previously recorded, Wednesday, February 15, 2023

In the heart of winter and with testing season quickly approaching, now is a time when educators need minimum behavior incidents in their classroom to disrupt, so the focus can stay on learning.

During this webinar, learn best practices and important research about how you can use incident data and trends to provide teachers with timely strategies and training for teaching positive behaviors in their classroom, and how tools like Panorama are already helping educators like you do this.

Watch this Live Demo where we share how Panorama’s Positive Behavior tool can streamline behavior reporting practices. 

In this session we share how to:

  • Log incidents as part of a holistic approach to help educators prevent or address challenging behavior more effectively.
  • Hone in on incident trends across a classroom and building
  • Connect the dots between behavior data and academics, attendance, and SEL
  • Determine the best process for identifying skills and behaviors to reinforce, based on a data-based decision-making protocol

Watch now!

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