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Behavior is top of mind for caring adults in schools—from administrators, to counselors, to teachers and support staff. Many districts are implementing Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) to proactively support positive behavior through evidence-based practices.
Districts need strong PBIS teams to develop systems that drive real change for students.
Build your PBIS team's capacity for data-inquiry, action-planning, and implementing tiered intervention supports with this toolkit of editable templates and worksheets.
What's Inside This Toolkit?
✔ Guide: The "Big 5" of Behavior Data for PBIS Teams [PDF]
✔ Template: PBIS Team Meeting Agenda [Word/Google Doc]
✔ Worksheet: Tier 1 Problem-Solving Around Behavior [Word/Google Doc]
✔ Template: PBIS Intervention Menu [Word/Google Doc]